To mobilize Kenyan Peasant farmers and consumers to push for agrarian reforms and practice organic farming to ensure food sovereignty and environmental conservation
Are constantly thriving to improve our already high standards to have you see us as the absolute best in the industry. It’s not enough to have trust in the cleaning.
To mobilize Kenyan Peasant farmers and consumers to push for agrarian reforms and practice organic farming to ensure food sovereignty and environmental conservation
A Kenya where farmers practice family farmin樂威壯 g, agroecology and organic food production systems and control means of food production for food sovereignty
KPL was formed in January 2016 and the formation was motivated by the WTO MC10 meeting that took place in Nairobi in December 2015.
During the MC10, the Kenyan Social Movements formed a Social Movement Working Group on WTO where with support of La Via Campesina (LVC), we organized a parallel Peoples WTO meeting. It is during this meeting that a resolution was passed to form a movement to represent the interests of Peasant Farmers in Kenya.
In January 2016, a meeting of the Social Movements Working Group on WTO resolved to form Kenyan Peasants League (KPL). During 2016 and early 2017, KPL focused much on campaigns and advocacy on matters of peasants and in March 2017, KPL resolved to start direct mobilization of peasant farmers. The focal areas of focus were identified as Migori, Kisumu, Machakos, Trans Nzoia, Turkana, Kiambu and Nairobi Counties.
The phase one of direct farmers’ mobilizations focused on Migori, Machakos and Nairobi Counties. In the three counties, KPL has formed structures binging together Peasant Farmers into clusters of between 10 and 20 peasant farmers. In Migori County, we currently have four clusters; in Machakos we have two clusters while in Nairobi we have five clusters.
Women Collective - KPL Women Collective brings together all Women of KPL from all the KPL Clusters. The main aim of the KPL Women Collective is to Organize and Amplify the KPL Women to Resist forces of Patriarchy that oppresses, exploits and commodifies women (their bodies, lives and sexuality), and women’s work (formal and informal, overwork as well as the type of work and working conditions); and deprives them of access to common goods (resources, water, land, environmental protection, and food sovereignty). Patriarchy is also engrained in many traditions and norms, which are often used to maintain this hierarchy and power.