KPL and Allies to Mark International Day Against WTO

The Kenyan Peasants League (KPL) and partners under the banner of the Kenya Debt Abolition Network (KDAN) are set to hold an event in Kangemi Nairobi to mark the International Day of Action Against World Trade Organization (WTO) and Free Trade Agreements (FTAs). Marked annually on 10 September, the day is set aside to by Social Movements to protest against the criminal trio of WTO, World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) that are directly and indirectly promoting a host of multilateral and bilateral FTAs that have created a criminal level of inequality in this world. In 2018, it was estimated that 82% of the world’s wealth is now controlled by merely 1% of the people and this is attributed to the neoliberal policies of WTO, IMF and World Bank.

During the meeting, members will review the past debt meetings that have been held since 2017, receive Report from the Case Study on the Effects of Microcredit that was conducted in Kangemi, receive Report from Case Against Kenyan IMF Loans at the East African Court of Justice that has been filed by KPL and KDAN, discuss the Human Rights, Development and Debt, discus犀利士 s the IMF, World Bank, Paris犀利士 Club, London Club, WTO and the SAPs, discuss the Structure of the Kenyan Debt, discuss the role of WTO and FTAs in the Kenyan Debt, discuss practical steps of conducting a Citizen Debt Audit, discuss the link between student’s loans, microcredit and public debt, discuss the moral, political, economic, legal, environmental and religious arguments in favor of cancelling debts and develop Anti-Debt Campaign Program for Kenya.

More update to follow.

KPL Secretariat

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