False Solutions
Few would deny that agriculture is especially severely affected by climate change and that the right practices contribute to mitigate it, yet expectations of the new climate agreement diverge sharply
Few would deny that agriculture is especially severely affected by climate change and that the right practices contribute to mitigate it, yet expectations of the new climate agreement diverge sharply
Agribusiness Transnational Corporations (TNCs) Create World Food Crisis; Peasants Seize Back Their Rights
Many Kenyan women are challenging patriarchal power structures. They question stereotyped roles and want to reduce the gender-related inequality that affects even the private sphere of the family.
‘We Need International Solidarity’ to Help All Countries Weather Global Economic Crisis, Says Secretary-General, as Three-Day Conference Convenes at Headquarters
Many people in the Kenya think it’s a derogatory term referring to people ruled by feudal lords in the middle ages. But it really means a “person of the land or of the country” and in much of the world, family farmers and rural workers continue to embrace the term
Land, water, forests and livestock as well as marine life are primary sources of income for a good part of the population of developing countries. In many cases, natural resources are considered common goods or are utilized by several users.
A really important part of being women in La Vía Campesina is to identify ourselves and our various struggles” emphasized speakers at the start of the V Women’s Assembly taking place in Basque Country on 17 and 18 July 2017.
In the face of the crises of Covid-19, climate and inequality, remember that it’s small farmers who feed 80% of the world, not big business.
For the majority of Africans, around 70%, their ecological, economic and social agenda is tied to agriculture.
Yesterday, I paid a Courtesy Call to the Venezuelan Embassy in Nairobi where we held talks with the Venezuelan Ambassador to Kenya. We ex必利勁 plored areas of collaboration between the […]